Andrew’s Cameo Appearances

Andrew the apostle is an interesting fellow. His name is mentioned only 13 times in Scripture, usually with the added appendage, “Simon Peter’s brother.” Andrew played second fiddle to his more prominent and boisterous brother, but Andrew’s actions show something profound and powerful about his character. Whenever we see Andrew in action, he is always bringing somebody or something to Jesus! Consider the “cameo” appearances of this great servant of Christ:

Andrew brought himself to Jesus — “They immediately left their nets and followed Him” (Mark 1:18). Jesus challenged Peter and Andrew to stop being mere fishermen and to become fishers of men. Andrew jumped at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Jesus offers His followers something lasting and eternal. Andrew was involved in a trade that filled men’s bellies, but Jesus offered a life of filling men’s souls. Andrew and his brother counted the cost and left everything to pursue Jesus and the “abundant life” (John 10:10). Andrew gave up his job to serve God better. How much are we willing to give up in order to present our bodies as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1)? Will we, like Andrew, choose the eternal challenge of a walk with our Savior?

Andrew brought his loved ones to Jesus — “He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah!’ and he brought him to Jesus” (John 1:41-42). After spending an afternoon with the Savior, Andrew became convinced that this indeed was the Son of God (cf. John 1:35-40), and Andrew’s excitement could not be contained. People had been looking forward to the Messiah since the fall of man in Eden (cf. Gen. 3:15). Not only was Andrew convinced of Jesus’ identity, he was determined to tell others! He found his beloved brother Peter and brought him to Jesus. Whom have you told about the Savior recently? Jesus intends to make an impact not only in our lives, but also in the lives of others!

Andrew brought his troubles to Jesus — “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” (John 12:20-22). When some Greek proselytes asked Philip to see the Savior, Philip wasn’t sure what to do, so he sought the advice of his friend and fellow apostle Andrew. Andrew likewise wasn’t sure what to do, but his reaction is different that Philip’s. Instead of taking his troubles to another fallible human, Andrew took them to the Source of all power — Jesus. Where do you take your hurts, fears, and hopes? Our God wants us to, “be anxious in nothing, but pray about everything” (Phil. 4:6). Andrew knew what to do with his troubles. Are we as wise as this little-known apostle?

Andrew brought possibilities to Jesus — “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9). When Jesus desired to feed the multitude in John 6, He challenged His apostles, and Philip especially: “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat?” (John 6:5). Philip reacted the way many do today: “Lord, there’s not enough money in the coffers to accomplish Your will!” (cf. John 6:7). Philip’s view of the Lord’s work was in terms of dollars and cents rather than opportunities and challenges to be met. Many elderships and congregations today proudly stand before God and declare to Him that there are not enough resources to do what He wants! Andrew’s attitude is much to be desired. While Philip is on the mount with a calculator, Andrew is in the crowd looking for possibilities. He finds a boy with a lunch, and God gives the increase (John 6:11-12). Let’s resolve to be more like Andrew, bringing ourselves, our acquaintances, our problems, and our possibilities to Jesus! — JB